Personal Project

Completed for a Graphic Design 1 class, this project features my personal interests and design style. In order to successfully complete the project, I delved deeper into the passage that I was hoping to visually interpret. I took imagery from the Bible passage and created an illustration based off it. I decided on complimentary fonts and colors by choosing colors that fit the image I was portraying and then finding complimentary colors off that. Through this project I enhanced my abilities in choosing complimentary colors and fonts as well as my creativity in creating original illustrations.
Quote Poster

This project features a quote from the song "Story" by Kings Kaleidoscope. The goal of the project was to take a quote and make it the main focus of the poster while adding supporting imagery. The style of the typography is meant to embody the brand and feel of the band, person, movie, etc. that the quote originates from. This project stretched my abilities to not only interpret someone else's words, but also my ability to apply certain emotions and "feels" to text and images. In this poster, I hope to give off a hopeful and playful feeling, with the playful, light text style and the inclusion of the rainbow as imagery, which often symbolizes hope. The text and images also are reminiscent of the bands own personal brand featured on past album covers and song art.
Brand Design