Whitworth University Math and Computer Science Department put on a service-learning opportunity called Community Building Week. During this week, seniors were tasked with leading a team of 12 computer science students with experience ranging from 3 weeks of CS1 to Data Structures. My partner and I led our team to build a "Machine of the Mind", meaning an educational game. 
We split our team in two to accommodate for the differing skill levels with a Design team and a Development team. I led the Design team in creating assets for the game, developing the UX/UI, brainstorming the game design, and other non-coding responsibilities. Because other classes were still going on during the work, I also facilitated communication of remote work and meeting times with my partner team lead. 
Below you'll find mockup images of the game as well as a link to our Demo video through CBW Landing Page under Team 13 Polygon.
Home Page
Home Page
Single player Settings Page
Single player Settings Page
Teacher create classroom page
Teacher create classroom page
Student join classroom page
Student join classroom page
In-game view
In-game view
Post-game leaderboard page
Post-game leaderboard page

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